Her V Steam: A Journey to Vaginal Wellness and Beyond
Kevin Krall 0:00
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Zandra Polard 0:20
Good morning, Las Vegas. We're over here with Zondra. Today, my guest is Yashica. Thank you for being here.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
You're so welcome. Thank you for having me.
Zandra Polard 0:32
Oh, of course. So we have a rotating guest spot here on we're over here. And what we do is we review different helpful places and wellness services. Yes, so yes, she can I went on a journey.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Oh my goodness.
Zandra Polard 0:52
We went to Henderson to get
Unknown Speaker 0:55
the Yoni salmon and the Yoni steaming,
Zandra Polard 0:57
the vagina was steamed. And it was great. That was amazing. It was such a very different Yes. experience. It was my first time and it was my first time. Okay, yeah. Vaginal steaming. And the place that we visited. Was her V state. Yes. Yes. All the Eastern in Henderson. Yes. Very nice place. Yes. It was wonderful. Her V steam is the place to be for your vaginal steam. Yes, vaginal wellness. That's right. And so our person that was helping us that day was Portia. And she was phenomenal, very informed. explained, things I never even thought my vagina could do. So shout out to Portia. Thank you so much for educating us on the wellness of the vagina.
Unknown Speaker 1:57
That's right. Oh, pretty much everything that goes on in our bodies starts in our womb. Oh, that is what she did educate us on. Oh, I thought that was super interesting. Although that was something that I been knowing for a while, but I just didn't know the benefits of the Beast theme. Until she really broke it down for
Zandra Polard 2:16
us. Well, it's an ancient practice. Yeah. But I have not heard of it. I heard of it. Just recently, maybe two years ago. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Actually, my sister was the one who introduced me to it. And because she was studying, okay, but he's Dean for her own personal visting at home. Okay. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:38
And that's good that you said at home because they do have the the same parts that you can purchase? Yes. Right. You can be steam at home you can be theme at home but or she made sure that we understood that the plastic parts are not the best parts
Zandra Polard 2:54
do not use the plastic. Yeah. Because you know, like, even when people leave their water bottle like in the car, yeah, the heat, that heat releases a chemical. Right? That is not good for you. That's so we definitely don't want to put any chemicals up there anything you
Unknown Speaker 3:11
know. So that was something very interesting.
Zandra Polard 3:15
So stick with aluminum. Yes. You said aluminum or cast iron cast iron, right? Yeah. Because I was saying I would go with the cast stone because I know even when you cook, and a cast iron skillet, it's super good for you. Yes. So can I start in? Excuse me iron and aluminum are elements already? You know in our bodies? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:37
Plastic is not known. So definitely do not get a plastic pots when you go in. Because if you go to Harvey stain, you will definitely be won't be going back or either purchasing your own pots. Well, I
Zandra Polard 3:50
think you're going next month, right?
Unknown Speaker 3:52
Yeah, I tell them I'm taking my daughter you remember I told you I want to do a a little setup with the six women. Because yes, of course.
Zandra Polard 4:04
I would hope okay.
Unknown Speaker 4:06
But yeah, so we're gonna go back I told my daughter about it. She's super excited. And she wants to go and I just wanted to get a group of women just to show women Hey, don't be ashamed. You know, this is something that we need to do for our for our health. Right? Yeah.
Zandra Polard 4:21
So it's really lovely because you can do like a little soiree with your girlfriends. There at her ViewState Yes. So they have like to say anything I'd like you can do a short coterie and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And chill with the girls Yes. And get cleansed.
Unknown Speaker 4:40
And less. The amount of time she was saying to be stained. So or she was telling us that you know, you can do 10 minutes a day. Some people steam every day and you can do 10 minutes a day or you can do we had about 45 minutes where we
Zandra Polard 4:57
well we weren't steaming the whole 45 minutes. CBSE did tell us that we should not be sitting there for what that seemed, you know, for that long period of time.
Unknown Speaker 5:06
But it was yeah, it was about 30, about 30 minutes. And it was it was really, really something that it helped me. You know? Yeah.
Zandra Polard 5:17
Okay. So you went right after your cycle? Yes. Okay. Right after my cycle, and you were able to feel, yeah, the benefit of right after, right? Yes, I was. So tell us about that experience.
Unknown Speaker 5:29
What was that like? So, Portia was telling me which I didn't know this before. But she said that a woman should go anywhere from one day to three days after the cycle. I was in that window, actually. So yeah, so after the steaming, of course, I went home did some self care, but usually I would have some cramping because I do have fibroids, and I didn't have the cramping. It's just everything was super smooth. I was super relaxed. And that is the reason why I'm gonna go back because I saw the benefit. Wonderful. Yeah. So
Zandra Polard 6:07
Well, I was super relaxed. I just went home and went to bed. So it worked for me to yesterday. Yeah. So now she also mentioned that her V steam, you can go with your partner. So you know, your man can be steam with you too. So because that steam is circulating the blood circulating blood. Right, right. So I think it's a great way like a great way to start a date night. That would be to steam it up, get the blood going, you know, go to dinner.
Unknown Speaker 6:46
Go. Yeah. And that was some health benefits for men too. Yeah. She talks about the prostate. She talked about. If a man is having issues with erectile dysfunction, so their real thing it is yeah. And so she was just letting us know that there are great benefits for men to come as well. And I had no ideal that a man could get steam but yeah, I just never. I didn't think about that. Well. Yeah,
Zandra Polard 7:18
I mean, I wouldn't mind at all.
Unknown Speaker 7:23
Zandra Polard 7:24
you can both freshen up. Right. Right. So any else as she was saying that they have like a shower while we saw the shower? Yeah, right. You can shower you can prepare for like if you have to get ready for an event right after, but she was saying that. It's really nice. You know, just to shower before and leave. Be all of that herbal? Yeah. Steaming garble essence. Yeah. Yeah, so I that's what I did. I did too. Yeah, I didn't think I should wash off that beautiful aroma that was, you know,
Unknown Speaker 8:09
yeah. And although I didn't take the bath when I got home, but I did until I took the bath. Of course, I, my, it smelled like peppermint. Yeah, I was really, really, really excited that my whole body was just super minty, and super relaxed.
Zandra Polard 8:31
Because you know, when they they put together your own personal mixture. Yeah. So you have to do like a questionnaire. And they asked me various questions about your, you know, your body, they're not too invasive. Just got a general about your cycle, or, you know, if you're going through menopause,
Unknown Speaker 8:51
and what do you want? What are what do you want to happen? What do you want your experience to be while you're there? That was one of the that's what it said on the paper. And I was like, Oh, wow, I didn't, I didn't think about that part. I just thought about, you know, just getting some help from my fibroids to see what will happen. But they were talking about an experience. So there's so many different herbs that they can blend, blend, you know, to give you the experience that you want. So I thought that was pretty cool. Yeah.
Zandra Polard 9:21
At her visa team, they give you a rope. Yeah. Right. So they give you like this floor length robe. And then you cover yourself over that pot or chair. Yes. And then all of that aroma is just going up and through that rope. That's right.
Unknown Speaker 9:42
Yeah. And I thought that was that was pretty cool, too. Because you some people she's dead say that some people would sweat. You know, all of the steam but I didn't sweat either. Yeah. So I didn't I didn't have that experience. But I could imagine like, if you are sweating and things like that, it'll kinda see through your skin or your pores because your pores would be open.
Zandra Polard 10:04
Right? Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it does. So, we also want to make sure that we discussed the other services that they offer at boosting. So, one, they have
Unknown Speaker 10:16
the beads, the way speeds, the way speeds,
Zandra Polard 10:19
yes. And what is the benefit of the waist speeds?
Unknown Speaker 10:22
So she was telling us that the benefits of the waist speeds is well first when she told me that she gave her daughter waist speeds at a very young age before her daughter even had her cycle. And she is a Reiki healer. Okay, so She blesses the beads. I believe that she prays over the beads and the beads are supposed to help with fertility. Oh, god, that was one thing if they're supposed to help with fertility, with womb health and things like that. So I do wear weight speed. So and I just thought they were pretty Yeah, they are pretty, but if they're supposed to have a that's if you if you are a person that is that if you believe in those type of things,
Zandra Polard 11:09
okay. Yeah, I'm not I wasn't familiar. I just saw the bees. And I thought they were super cute. And they were.
Unknown Speaker 11:14
And she was mad. She made them on her own.
Zandra Polard 11:16
And she makes them do this. I would assume she makes him special. Yeah, you
Unknown Speaker 11:20
have to get I know I had to get measured for mine. Okay, so So you
Zandra Polard 11:24
would do the measurement. But then also, she would probably figure out what type of beads would work for your
Unknown Speaker 11:32
Exactly. System. Yeah. Because different. Different stones are for different thing. Yeah, that's my meaning. Yeah. So yeah, that that's pretty amazing that she puts that together. She does a questionnaire for that, too, I'm sure to see what it is that you want. What benefits do you want from the beads and she puts it together for you.
Zandra Polard 11:51
And then also they have other vaginal surfaces. So they have the vaginal facial? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:58
the vagina show
Zandra Polard 12:00
is it is called the pajama show. And so if you go on her steam on Instagram, you can see that one of the clients had just gotten up bikini wax. Yeah. And they put like a nice, soothing aloe. Oh, yeah. Mask on there. Yeah, yeah. Because I know I like I like the waxing I prefer the wax.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
I also get wax too. But I have really sensitive skin. And you remember when I saw that they do the vajay shows I got excited because you know you can't be shy when it comes to things like that. You just know that that's something that you need. And I can't wait to experience that as well. But the girl was out of town. I think the person then does it she was offer something like that. So
Zandra Polard 12:48
what we'll have to tell you all about the magician next time you try the magician? Yes. Go on Instagram. Were over here with Zondra. And let us know what your experience was like. Yeah, with the magician, or would be steamy?
Unknown Speaker 13:03
Mm hmm. And, uh, should we get the I'm thinking when she I think she said to wait a day or so to get the vajay show after the beast name. Oh, really? I think so. Because of the how our pores will be open or something like that. Oh, yeah. Because I was like, Oh, I think Oh, right afterwards, and I think she's, I remember her telling me. Well, you should wait like a day or two. Oh, okay. But I'm not sure. But I'll see because I will be going back.
Zandra Polard 13:32
Yeah, I think you have an appointment next month. Right? Yeah, I'm
Unknown Speaker 13:35
going next month. Yeah, my daughter and hopefully we can do the charcuterie board with the wine or the champagne. I love champagne. Champagne. Yeah. So hopefully we can go back and have a group of six women to where we can discuss and you know, have a good time while we're getting steamed. Right? I'm excited
Zandra Polard 13:55
and getting a buzz. I'm good. So, but if you want more information about her steam, you can go to their Instagram, her V steam on Instagram. Give them a call. Go to their website for more information.
Unknown Speaker 14:10
Yes, and please go. If you're listening out there and you're interested in womb health. Definitely check her out.
Zandra Polard 14:18
And you know, there's a really big issue with women and these fibroids. Oh, my goodness, like an epidemic now? No, really. I mean, so many women have fibroids.
Unknown Speaker 14:31
And I hear that it comes from sometimes it comes from birth control. You know, the birth control pills, the Depo Provera shot I hadn't really used both of those. But when I stopped using the birth control pills, my fibroids did shrink. Really? And also I told you I stopped eating sugar and I changed my diet. So that really helped with my brain.
Zandra Polard 14:53
You know, it's what we're putting in our body. Yeah, right. So that's always going to be an issue. Hmm. And that's why the show is so important. Yeah, to bring information to Las Vegas and to, you know, the public. Yeah, about healthier choices. And for me, I don't make the best choices health wise. And so I'm learning. Yeah, right. And so for me, this show is important, because I have, you know, the mindset of someone who is not on this journey, every day, all day, this is new for me. And so when I give my review is based off of someone who don't do this. Yeah, your experience. Yeah. And I'm like most people, you know, and this. You know, health food and wellness is something that we should practice and we don't, you know, but when you're ready to make that change, and you want to find about find out about some great places to go. You should tune in to wear over a
Unknown Speaker 16:02
year. Yes, yeah. Yes. That was excellent.
Zandra Polard 16:05
Oh, yeah. Because I mean, it's so true. I mean, it's just the truth.
Unknown Speaker 16:09
Yeah. Everyone, you know, We're normal people. Right, right. And it is really hard to stay focused on your health and wellness. It is, especially when you're busy. So many hours you're putting in you know, I
Zandra Polard 16:20
found out after I started this show, which it's this is only the second one. So I found out after the first show that I have diabetes, oh, girl. And I was like, well, wow, how interesting that this show came along. For me to learn about healthier choices, yeah, and healthier food options, and wellness
Unknown Speaker 16:45
portion with Portia. Very amazing. She's the manager there. She took great care of us, right? Yes, she did set everything up for us. She's all about you know, healing your chakras and teaching us how to really bring out our you know, our chakras. So, that's amazing. I'm gonna definitely make sure that I go back and experience that and they have like
Zandra Polard 17:13
a healing effect.
Unknown Speaker 17:14
Yeah, she she prays over the beads. And yeah, She blesses the beads and things like that. So yeah, the, the beads. A lot of people give their daughters the beads when they're like three to five years old. It's like a spiritual, spiritual, and it just kind of keeps your womb healthy. I believe. That's what she said. Okay, and give you balance. But we'll find out more when we go back. So
Zandra Polard 17:46
they're protecting the the womb? Yeah. Like, at a young age, okay. Yeah. Well, that's pretty cool. And they do
Unknown Speaker 17:55
that in a lot of different countries. You know, it started in
Zandra Polard 17:59
the last two. So, yeah, I'm sure I think she was saying this is an ancient practice area. Mm hmm. Yeah. The the vaginal steaming. Yes. And we're just now getting into it here in the United States. Yeah. So it's a big thing. Now, a lot of women are doing it where I know
Unknown Speaker 18:17
she gave us the Queen's throne. So that's the two seats. It was super cute, very comfortable. And it wasn't, it wasn't really a great experience. So
Zandra Polard 18:27
we talked about how lovely the space is. They have different rooms. You can have, you know, a little soiree with your girlfriend's there, which is super cute. So now let's talk about what it felt like. Okay, so first of all, we had to go and change and put on a special role being Yes. And
Unknown Speaker 18:53
Emma shoes,
Zandra Polard 18:54
yes, and shoes. And then we sit, we sat in the Queen's chair. And it has a hole in the seat. And then, and underneath there is a steam pot. Yes. With all of the herbs with different herbs. So you do like of course questionnaire, right? Yes, what you're looking for what's going on with your body. Right? And then they determine what blend of herbs they'll put together for you. So for me, and not that you have to tell all your vaginal business. But for me, I was looking for more of like the what did I want? Well, that's
Unknown Speaker 19:42
one of the benefits is to moisturize. Well, okay,
Zandra Polard 19:44
I was trying to find a way to say it. I was trying to find that, you know, to kind of deal with like vaginal dryness, right, because that's an issue as we get older. Yeah. So that was something that I put on my questionnaire because it seemed to me I think that a lot of the services or a lot of the benefit of getting a vaginal steam had a lot to do with like,
Unknown Speaker 20:07
fibroids. That's what I that's what mine was. Right. And
Zandra Polard 20:11
so So I since I don't have those issues, you know, I kind of felt limited, like, what else do I do? Right? So, I didn't have the issue with like the monthly crapping. So yeah, well, let's get out of my vagina business. And talk about the benefits of the steaming let's do that.
Unknown Speaker 20:31
Yeah. So what we learned were the benefits are, it helps with heavy bleeding. Okay, it helps heal infections and it helps with the moisture. Yes, it also helps women that that are going through menopause. So it helps with the symptoms. It also helps with fibroids. That was one of that was my choice because I do have fibroids, so it shrinks the fibroids. Okay, it helps to shrink the fibroids also. Yeah, I think those are all of the benefits.
Zandra Polard 21:06
Right? Okay, that we remember. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 21:09
Which is? Well, you know, I wrote my notes.
Zandra Polard 21:13
So those are some really great benefits. There's a woman in this world who cannot benefit from a vaginal steam. Right, of course, so you don't have like the menopausal issues, or the pre menstrual cramping issues is still nice to get those theme because I think it gives a little flavor, right? Yeah. Why? So it gives a nice aroma. So when we sat on this spot, oh my god, right? Yes, she and I are just talking and you know, we didn't have the Zen vibe. It's really Xin in there. But, you know, I went out the day before and yes, I couldn't kind of calm down. So my energy level was like, way up here until Yeah. Until that steam hit,
Unknown Speaker 21:58
honey. Girl. That was great
Zandra Polard 22:00
girl. So what were you feeling? Because I know what I was feeling.
Unknown Speaker 22:06
So I remember looking over at you and him asking, Do you feel that? I asked her that she fell it because as soon as I said on the pot, because Porsche made sure that she told us to how do I say this to you know, sit wide. Sit, why and why? Yeah, okay. Pretty much. Let it get in there. So as soon as you sit down all is an amazing experience. You feel the same, you know, doing what it needs to do. And also the herbs. Yeah. It gives you a little tingle. Okay. Tango,
Zandra Polard 22:49
it does. This is getting the blood flowing down. Yeah. Makes sense. Right.
Unknown Speaker 22:52
Yeah. And, and our everything goes through our womb, you know. So it definitely gives you a great tangle. It has a calming effect as well. So it makes you feel really, really relaxed. I did feel that
Zandra Polard 23:05
yes, yes. I kind of calm down. Calm down. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 23:11
So how did you feel? Girl? I
Zandra Polard 23:13
feel great. I didn't feel I don't know if it's so weird to talk about the vagina. I mean, I mean, it's such an important body part. But it's wrong. Yeah, yeah. And so you know, when you're on public radio, you kind of don't know how to address certain things, but that's why I'm looking at you. But I just, you know, I will just say I felt a high increase of blood flow. Definitely. Unless you want me to, but don't get us wrong. Like, please understand that. It was an experience like going to a spa. A spa? Yeah. You know, or if you're going to get your hair done, or something like that. So it wasn't like right, freaky kinky. So no, it's not a freaky kinky party. It's a healing. Yeah. Relaxing, beautiful experience. It
Unknown Speaker 24:02
really was. Yeah, and it's a lot of health benefits to it. Those are just some of the things that kind of took me by surprise right to actually have that sensation and feeling but at the end of the day, I not to but you know, it's really good when you come off of your cycle, your menstrual cycle, if you were to go to get Yanni stained, it does a cleanse.
Zandra Polard 24:26
Right. So it's gonna like kind of help with like bacteria. Yeah, right. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:30
sometimes. Well, I know with me having fibroids after my cycle, sometimes I would cramp really bad. And so because I had that steaming, I didn't have that experience. So that was
Zandra Polard 24:42
able to, like actually experience the benefits afterwards.
Unknown Speaker 24:46
And I'll be going every month from this point on.
Zandra Polard 24:49
Oh, that's great. These days. You got a new there we go page. I'll
Unknown Speaker 24:53
see you in a little bit before share.
Zandra Polard 24:55
So after our V Steen We decided to do our next health regimen afterwards. And for you Yashica What did you decide to leave here
Unknown Speaker 25:07
today? I was relaxed the whole
Zandra Polard 25:08
day. Oh, wow. Yeah, I was too. I slept. You. You went to bed? Yeah. But you know, someone asked me. Why do you need to be steam? Why don't you just take a nice hot bath? Now I call it an Ask Porsche this question. And I thought it was interesting. I mean, you know, she kind of concurred with my thoughts, which was, you know, it doesn't have the same benefit because you're submerged in water. Right? You know, and it doesn't have that steaming of it.
Unknown Speaker 25:40
Yeah. And that's the difference. It is,
Zandra Polard 25:43
it is so bad, doesn't do the same as the steam. So check out steam.
Unknown Speaker 25:49
Yeah, the steam will definitely be a benefit to anyone that those, you know, that has that experience. So I definitely think you can do the bath after the same like, like you did and feel amazing, too. But the same is definitely something that I would do again, you know,
Zandra Polard 26:05
she was telling me because they have a shower there afterwards, and they have like a whole dressing room. Or some people will
Unknown Speaker 26:12
rant about that. Yeah, they will go out and get ready afterwards.
Zandra Polard 26:16
Right. Right. But I was saying like, is it necessary to take the shower right afterwards? And she said, No, keep it. And that's what I was thinking. It's like, you know, you shower before? And then I would think you'd want to keep that aroma or that benefit. Still there for when you get home to your partner, right?
Unknown Speaker 26:38
Absolutely. Absolutely. Are we going there? No. Okay.
Zandra Polard 26:46
But yeah, so that is be stain, whatever your experience will be afterwards? Let us know, go to your IG. And leave comments there. Let us know of UV stained, and what your experience was like. Also, we do help you? Yes. So the first show that I did, I did a review with Nikita. And we reviewed a couple of helpful restaurants here in Las Vegas. So yes, she was a guest. I was Yeah, a couple years ago. And so she came to mind, you know, to do this episode today. So again, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 27:28
Thank you are welcome. And thank you for having us. Yes, absolutely.
Zandra Polard 27:32
We will be here only every fifth Sunday of the month. And we all know, there are not five Sundays in every month. All right. Right. So we will, the next one will be August. No. October. The next one will be October. Yeah. October 30. Yeah, the next one will be October 30. And then we'll let you know from there because I don't know when the next one to December, probably will keep you informed. But you can always find us because we're on all the major podcast platforms. And you can always always, always go to my YouTube channel. We're over here with Zondra. And of course, it is from the spin off. It's where I am. Yeah, which is about mental health and wellness. And that's super, super important on today. I'm going to be interviewing an oral surgeon. Hmm, yes. So look out for that.
Unknown Speaker 28:35
That's cool. Yeah, and if you think about it, when people's mouths are not healthy, right, and they're having the issues with their teeth, it affects their confidence and it affects their health as well the different infection so that's amazing. I can't wait to hear it grow. He
Zandra Polard 28:53
is going to educate us. So we've educated you on the vagina and next we'll be educating you on your mouth,
Unknown Speaker 28:59
because that's important is your
Zandra Polard 29:02
thank you again, Yoshiko for being here. You're welcome. Thank you for having me. Absolutely. And thank you 9115 for tuning in. With we're over here with Sondra and Monkseaton. In October, it's where I am. will be the second Saturday of the month. Everyone. Yes on August, whatever that date is Saturday. Then thank you Bye
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